From left to right, top to bottom:
- Gen Con Program Guide (filled with articles, maps, mini-modules, etc.) from Goodman Games
- Caroline Munro, First Lady of Fantasy and Peter Cushing, The Gentle Man of Horror and His 91 Films, both from McFarland Publishing (35% off two or more books on Sunday!)
- Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad zines #1 and 2, and Wayne Snyder's Dark Ruins art-zines #1 and 2
- From Chimera Hobby Shop's "Buy One, Get Three Free" deal: Thieves of Fortress Badabaskor, Fantastic Treasures (still in shrink-wrap), The Valdorian Age sword-and-sorcery sourcebook for Hero System, and Planet Stories' The Outlaws of Mars by Otis Kline.
- Shadowrun 5e quick-start booklet from Free RPG Day (Battletech on the flip-side)
- 13th Age module "Make Your Own Luck" from Free RPG Day (for running Timewatch for Pelgrane Press)
- Unframed: The Art of Improvisation for Game Masters by various authors for Engine Publishing
Now to carve out time to read all these books...