I didn't have a big shopping list this time. In recent years I've been more on the lookout for limited items not available later or stuff that is heavily discounted for the show. My main goals were to pick up Mothership and Dead Planet, the art print, and The Hobonomicon.- Art print by Stefan Poag of a isometric dungeon map, signed.
- The Hobonomicon #0 from Doug Kovacs and Stefan Poag for DCC, signed by both.
- The Free RPG Day modules for this year from Pelgrane Press (freebie in my GM bag).
- Gen Con program book (smaller, being the first year that event listings are not printed)
- Crystal Caste Gen Con 2018 d6 (green)
- Scotty's Brewhouse Gen Con 2018 d6 (red, Thursday)
- Mothership sci-fi horror RPG, signed by author/artist Sean McCoy
- Dead Planet (adventure module toolkit for Mothership), signed by co-author Donn Stroud
- Rackham Reversible Gaming Tiles Set D for Cadwallon, half-price at the Chimera Hobby Shop booth
Special "don't procrastinate" note:
I was at the Half-Price Books booth between games mid-day Thursday, and someone brought out two more packing boxes of DVDs and Blu-rays. Some good stuff, including a nice full set of Star Trek movie 2-DVD special editions. The one item that caught my eye was Anchor Bay's 2004 DAWN OF THE DEAD (1978) Ultimate Edition 4-disc DVD set -- sticker-priced at US$15. The DVDs were loose, scratched-up, and in rough shape, so I set it back to check on later. The next time I could get into the dealer's hall was 1pm Friday, and of course it was already gone. The set usually goes for north of US$100 on the secondary market.

Update: I completely forgot about the Count Dante-inspired DCC shirt I bought (in gray). It was packed with my clothes, not my gaming stuff. Now I'll need to get the rest of their "Deadly Hands" shirts.